Admissions / प्रवेश
ग्रामीण तंत्रज्ञान पदविका अभ्यासक्रम
(डिप्लोमा इन बेसिक रूरल टेक्नॉलॉजी)
उद्योजक , मेकर्स , संशोधक आणि
चांगला माणूस बनण्यासाठी
प्रवेश पात्रता :
हाताने काम करण्याची आवड ,
किमान वय :
१५ वर्षे पूर्ण, ग्रामीण भागात राहून शिकण्याची तयारी, खूप उत्साह व धड्पडण्याची वृत्ती
शैक्षणिक पात्रता :
किमान १० वी , वय : किमान १५ वर्षे
कालावधी :
१ वर्षे ( १० जुलै २०२२ – २५ जून २०२३ )
Diploma in Basic Rural Technology (DBRT)
To become Entrepreneur! Maker!
Innovator and Good human being!
Entry Criteria:
Willing to work by hand,
Minumum Age:
Min 15 yrs age but no academic grades required, willing to stay in village environment with minimum facilities and anyone with lots of energy!
Min 10th Pass (Not a mandatory criteria for suitable candidate)
Course Duration:
1 Year ( 10th July 2022 – 25th June 2023 )

Design Innovation Center (DIC)
Vigyan Ashram and Savitribai Phule Pune University collaboratively started ‘Design Innovation Center’ at Pabal. The center is funded by MHRD as part of the National Design Network.
DIC will incubate ideas which are useful for society. Efforts will be made to convert these ideas into products. Requirements of users will be taken into account from the conceptualization of the idea to making final products.
Vigyan Ashram is pleased to announce the opening of admission for “Design Innovation Center (DIC)” for the academic year 2022 – 23.
Entry Criteria
Interdisciplinary learning approach
Learning while doing approach
Appropriate technical solutions for the problems facing society.
Willing to stay in a village environment with minimum facilities and anyone with lots of energy!
Any Diploma, Undergraduate students
As per requirements of respective Institutions
Entry Criteria
Interdisciplinary learning approach
Learning while doing approach
Appropriate technical solutions for the problems facing society.
Willing to stay in a village environment with minimum facilities and anyone with lots of energy!
Graduate / PG students
6 months

Master in Design for Distributed Innovation (MDDI)
Vigyan Ashram is pleased to announce a new educational program The Master in Design for Distributed Innovation (MDDI). The program is organized by the Fab City Foundation and the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) and Vigyan Ashram is a study node for the program. Students can participate in the program from Vigyan Ashram and are eligible to get Masters’s degrees from a European university.
The program is organized by Fab City Foundation and the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia. It is co-delivered by Fab Lab Barcelona at IAAC, local nodes of the distributed campus, and is supported by the global Fab Lab Network.

Startup Sarathi is an entrepreneurship development program of Vigyan Ashram. We support and encourage people to start their own businesses and guide them for the same.